• Sam Mugume is a businessman who buys and sells maize and beans (produce) in Mahani 2, Kamwenge district in Uganda. He also grows maize and beans on a relatively large scale and so he sells both the maize bought from other farmers and that harvested from his garden. He plans to expand his business so that he buys more tons of maize and beans if he gets more resources

$160.00 of $350.00 goal
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About The Project

Sam Magezi buys maize and beans from his fellow farmers and sell at a higher price to bigger produce dealers from outside his community. A bigger quantity of the maize he sells is bought from others, but the rest is from his own gardens. Even when he received $100 support from CII Project, he invested it in growing maize and beans. The business has been profitable, especially in 2022 because prices of maize and beans were high.

He plans to increase capital for his business because he mostly relies on using capital of the bigger produce dealers from Kampala which creates uncertainty because they only bring money when they want, or they can change the choice of someone to buy for them.

Paying it Forward

Sam is a member of savings groups and has close friends who are farmers and produce dealers and they help each other a lot. He believes expansion in his business would help farmers who sell maize to him for he would be able to easily give them money if they have a need.


Sam Mugume lives with his wife and their 3 children in Mahani 2, Kamwege district.  He happy about his business and farming occupation but says that his business needs more capital, and they appreciate CII Project for giving them part of the required capital. 

He thinks more cooperation and harmonious co-existence is needed in his community. 

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United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Basic Information

  • Created By : Wilson Rwamugabo
  • Published On : Oct 10, 2022, 3:43 AM
  • Category : Others
  • Address : -
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  • Description : Sam Mugume lives with his wife and their 3 children in Mahani 2, Kamwege district.  He happy about his business and farming occupation but says that his business needs more capital, and they appreciate CII Project for giving them part of the required capital. 

    He thinks more cooperation and...  more



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