• This project is about my restaurant business where people buy food like Mwanza local food, vegan food, and drinks. I request money to improve my business by adding more items for my restaurant like stoves, kitchen materials, and more chairs and tables.

$97.00 of $573.00 goal


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About The Project

My restaurant business is carried out in the city's center where most of its residents are fishermen, industrial, office, and shop workers. Most of these people get their meals from my restaurant. My project aims to provide quality food service based on environmental hygiene for the health of consumers.

I believe in the importance of the health of the consumers. If they get bad or unsafe food and it causes harm to them, they will not come back to eat in my restaurant. When they feel fit and healthy after eating the food prepared in my restaurant, according to strict hygiene standards, they will come back to eat again and I will continue to increase my income through their repeat business. Therefore your contributions as donors will help me make the business successful and the money you will donate will enable me to expand the restaurant into a bigger one that meets the customers' demands.

Paying it Forward

If this project grows, it will create opportunities for young people because I will need to hire more assistants, improve their allowances and be able to serve my customers quickly and very efficiently; an action that will help to get permanent customers.

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Funding Report


I’m Tekla Misano, a woman aged 22 years old. I am the firstborn of three children who live with a single mother. My two siblings are students and my mother runs a small business that helps her raise her family on her own. I got the experience of running a business from her and started my restaurant with little capital after completing my secondary school education. Since the start of this project, I have managed to make a living. I have also taken steps to add tools that help improve my project. 

Despite all that, I still face some challenges in running it like using old tools and lacking enough capital to initiate a modern restaurant. I need your contributions in order to improve my restaurant and support my mother and family. The biggest challenge I have is too few utensils, modern stoves, as well as packaging for my food.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals




Basic Information

  • Created By : Dickson Nkwabi
  • Published On : Sep 7, 2022, 10:04 AM
  • Funding Ends : Dec 31, 1969, 4:00 PM
  • Backer :
  • Address : -
  • Phone : -
  • Email : -
  • Description :
    I’m Tekla Misano, a woman aged 22 years old. I am the firstborn of three children who live with a single mother. My two siblings are students and my mother runs a small business that helps her raise her family on her own. I got the experience of running a business from her and started my restaurant
    ...  more

Project Funders



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Location Information

  • Location : Mwanza, Tanzania
  • Formatted Address : Mwanza, Tanzania
  • Street Address : Mwanza
  • City : Nyamagana
  • State :
  • Country : Tanzania